
1. Earwig - A guide for New Users - logging in and creating a new record
2. What's wrong with this Earwig record
3. Examples of good Earwig records
4. Task - create 2 Earwig records for the pupils you have been assigned
Earwig  - Sentence starters and helpful phrases for Sensory pathway

1)……… can be seen here responding to the …….

2)……………….shows an interest in ……………… He/She demonstrates interest and pleasure in this activity by …………

3)……… likes to look at and explore the………………….., as he /she is doing in this picture.

4)…………………. really enjoys this activity shown by …………………..in this picture.  When he/she ……………his/her physical activity increases, and he/she ……………..

5) ………can …………. for up to ………… minutes. He/She …………….enjoys

6) ……………continues to regularly listen to …………………. while an adult ……………. He/She demonstrates interest and pleasure in this activity by …………………..

7) …………can withdraw ……………. In contrast he/she enjoys

8)……………..reacts to familiar …………..by ………………..

9)  …………………………..is encouraged to …………………………. Here, she is receiving hand under hand support during a painting activity

10) ……………can be seen focussing on …………….. He/She particularly enjoys watching ………..

11) ………..can take up to 6 spoons with food on to her mouth with adult assistance.

12) ………………..shows a clear preference in materials present when making …………..with adult help.

13) ………………can anticipate ……………

14) ……………. is showing that he/she can………………, he/she also enjoys ……...

15)……………..began to ……………..

16)……………..reaches for ……………..He/she is encouraged to use both hands when exploring ……..

17)  ………………is able to attend to ……….. by ………………. He/she can appropriately ……………..

18) …………….recognises some of the daily routines such as …………… by ………….. when given an object of reference – ………………….

19) Here in the picture ………….has used …………………… to make independent marks on paper and is enjoying her/his achievement.

20) ………………. attempts to scoop food with a spoon on a daily basis.He/ She is encouraged to take a spoon and food to his/her mouth . …………………..has developed some food preferences and loves ……………………………

21) …………………. asks for ‘more’ of activity by…………………….